The year was 56 AD. The place was a Mediterranean beach on the coast of Tyre. Paul was on his way to Jerusalem at the end of his third missionary journey. Multiple families, including the children, gathered with him on the beach before he left. Hearts were heavy with concern, and cheeks were wet with tears. They knew it was dangerous, likely fatal, for Paul to continue to Jerusalem as a Jesus preacher. As the boarding whistle sounded, there was only one thing to do…pray. (Acts 21:5-6)
I don’t know the content of the prayer, but I imagine it to be something along these lines: "Lord Jesus, thank you for bringing us together as a family of believers through your forgiving grace. This could be the last time we see each other. Give us courage for the day and fill us with confidence that no matter what happens we will be with you and each other for a glorious reunion in heaven.”
Whatever the words of that prayer were, I imagine a smile on Jesus’ face as they reached his ears. “I’d be happy to,” he says.
I don’t know what’s making your heart heavy or your cheeks wet these days, but I know one thing you can do…pray. The Savior who died for you loves to hear from you in difficult times. Imagine a smile on his face as you ask him for courage for the day and confidence for the future. An empty grave outside of Jerusalem assures you of his answer.
"I’d be happy to," he says, "I’d be happy to."
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6