Got Power

Things were going rather smoothly. I left in plenty of time to make it to my appointment. I punched in the address on my phone and let the GPS lead the way. Ten minutes into my drive, my phone battery died.  I had no idea where I was going and no one to call for directions. So I huffed and I puffed and I finally found a gas station where I could buy an overpriced charging cord. I eventually made it to my appointment, but I was ten minutes late.

It's frustrating when you lose power on your phone, but far worse when you lose power in life.  There are a lot of drains on the battery. Kids need tending, relationships need mending.  There are projects to finish and appointments to keep. There are thoughts to process and  emotions to handle. If you are not plugged into a reliable power source, life is beyond difficult.

There is a power source that never runs out and is always in full supply – the LORD!  Knowing that God loves you, died for you, and now lives to care for you gives real energy for real life. In Him, guilt goes away, joy replaces depression, and schedules are put into perspective.  Jesus’ purity covers your impurity, and your soul is safe in Jesus no matter what happens.  Plug into Jesus and when life’s lights grow dim, your lamp will always be burning.

You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns darkness into light. - Psalm 18:28

Got Power